2022 Alaska State Convention

2023 National Federation of the Blind of Alaska Annual State Convention

Uniting the Blind of Alaska! Kevin Whitley, President
Katie Lester, First vice President
William Craig, Second vice president
Bonnie Lucas, Treasurer
Linda Newman, Secretary

Our 2022 convention will be held at the Lakefront Hotel (4800 Spenard Road) in Anchorage, 907-243-2300. The room rate is $109 plus 15 percent tax. for singles and doubles. Children under thirteen are free. To receive our event rate, ask for the NFB of Alaska room rate. Set on the shore of Lake Spenard next to Lake Hood and close to the Ted Stevens International Airport, the Lakefront is the only Anchorage hotel located on a lake. Amenities include 24-hour free shuttle to the airport, along with places to eat and relax. Enjoy the warmth of the fireplace in the hotel lobby.

Register and make reservations now to attend the NFB of Alaska annual convention, the largest gathering of blind people in Alaska.
The cost is $55 which includes registration and food for the convention. Membership will be valid until the end of 2024.

We are a membership organization. Should you decide to join us, we meet monthly. If you find it difficult to attend due to personal circumstances, you will be included in all communications. We look forward to having your ideas and sharing the philosophy and knowledge about blindness that will support you in living the life you want. The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want; blindness is not what holds you back. If you have any convention questions or difficulty filling out this form, Email Bonnie Lucas Lucas.bonnie@gmail.com

2022 Alaska Convention Registration

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Would you like to join / renew your membership through 2023?
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